
Discover inspiring stories of transformation. Hear firsthand accounts from individuals who have overcome addiction through our Christ-centered programs. Their journeys of hope and renewal are a testament to the life-changing impact of Adult & Teen Challenge of Kentucky.

Shelly McMurray

Hi, my name is Shelly and I’m 40 years old. I am originally from Decatur, IL. I came to Priscilla’s Place in August of 2022 and completed the 12-15 month program.  I successfully graduated in late September 2023.  Prior to coming to Priscilla’s Place, I was in a decade long battle with severe depression and anxiety. I went through a traumatic divorce (with 2 children) and my vision was not holding up for me to perform my work as a credit analyst in commercial banking. I became very angry at God and I turned to all the wrong things to self-medicate. I had given up on myself.

I lost virtually every life possession I had and found myself in a desperate situation.  I was homeless and 900+ miles away from my family with a violent abuser. Thankfully, my family answered the call of God and offered to come get me. Shortly after, I came to Priscilla’s Place.  I am 100% certain that I would not be alive today if It weren’t for the grace of God, my family, and this program. Since graduating. I have enjoyed working as staff at Adult & Teen Challenge of KY and transitioning into my new role as Director of Operations in the State Office.  I am a part of something much bigger than myself now and I truly enjoy seeing the Lord work through this program to change the lives of others on a daily basis!
My name is Emma. I am 29 and from Versailles, KY. I entered Priscilla’s Place, ATCKY, on April 14th of 2021. My brokenness had led me down a path of self-destruction and continuous torment which eventually left me in a state of complete despair. From the age of 16-27 I stayed in and out of active addiction, toxic relationships, and couldn’t manage to escape the cycle I had entangled myself in for most of my adult life. As I began to encounter God’s love through the relationships I had developed here at Teen Challenge, my heart began to soften, mind began to open and a true miracle happened! Jesus met me right where I was at! He saw me. He made a way when before I had never imagined a way out. I was no longer trapped by my past mistakes and failures. No longer burdened by the person I was before I knew of his love.
As I began to explore the freedom I had been granted, God spread my roots here and gave me a vision filled with purpose. I graduated the year long program on April 11th 2022 and began an internship with the very place that saw something in me worth fighting for! Now a year has passed since my graduation and I am on the team of ATCKY staff! I have been blessed with a vehicle, and am currently residing at our house provided for the year long graduates of our center. God continued showing up in my journey of recovery and now looking back I wouldn’t change one thing! It has been a complete joy to give back and see the transformations I have seen in these women’s lives. He is a way maker, a miracle worker, and I am looking forward to seeing what else he has for this Ministry! 

Emma Espelage

PAIGE Klausing

My name is Paige and I come to Louisville from Loveland Ohio. God lead me to Adult & Teen Challenge in 2016 when I was completely lost and had no hope that I would ever find purpose in life or get out of addiction.

I knew I wanted more for my life; the person I had become wasn’t who I wanted to be, or who God intended me to be. Jesus helped me, and healed me, through my time at Priscilla’s Place.

In between taking time to build my family with my husband, I have had the privilege of working as a Priscilla’s Place staff member! It feels good to be able to pour back into the very place where Jesus saved me. Priscilla’s Place will always have my heart, and I am forever grateful. 
When I was lost in my addiction my only hope was to be remembered as the wildest and craziest person from my hometown. I was kicked out of school at the age of 16 and found myself in prison on my 18th birthday. After four years of incarceration I hit the street as a monster. I was a needle junkie shooting heroin, meth, bath salts and anything else I could. I became so mentally unstable from the drugs I was using that I had to be evaluated at a mental institution. They suggested that I was a on a permanent trip and would not recover from my psychosis.

I was hopeless and ready to die; sick of failing and everything leading to dead ends. It was in my darkest moment I was able to see light. I came to Chad's Hope in 2014. I encountered Christ. As I began to walk out a relationship with him, I was transformed and set free form drugs, tobacco and much more. I am a new creation with a new heart and a new life.
I now work at Chad's Hope. I am also a youth pastor and travel all over Kentucky as a motivational speaker, speaking to thousands of kids every week. I married a God-fearing woman and have a beautiful baby girl. This life is beyond anything I could ever express. I am a work of God that proves anything is possible.

Forest Quillen

Chris Duff

My name is Chris Duff. I'm 35 years old and for 15 years I was a full-blown drug addict. I would take anything and everything I could to get a high. I didn’t care about anything or anybody including my family, friends, and myself. All I cared about was my next high. During my 15 years of addiction, there were many times I would wake up in jail not knowing why I was even there. This occurred more often than not. However, the last time I found myself in jail, God put a desire in my heart to go to Chad's Hope!

When I arrived at Chad's Hope, I was broken-- an eggshell of a man. I realized when I got there, I was the only one who didn’t have a problem! Or so I thought. So, my first 4 1/2 months at Chad's Hope I acted the same way I did before, minus all the drugs. I was prideful, selfish, and self-absorbed with entitlement issues. I should have been dismissed for my actions, but the staff at Chad's Hope saw something in me that I didn't. God started dealing with me and making changes inside me when I finally surrendered my all to him. I graduated March 9, 2018.

He has restored my relationship with my family and I got married to the woman I thought I had lost for good. Shortly after we were married, we found out we had a baby on the way, which we thought would never be able to happen! He also provided me with a home, a job, a vehicle and much more. He placed me at the church that he knew I would need, The Church of God Worship Center.

I thank God every day for Chad's Hope, and allowing me to join the team as a volunteer staff member where I can minister to men that are in the same place I once was. I want to thank everyone at Chad's Hope for not giving up on me, but all the glory goes to God!!